about me

Helga Dittmann | Heilpraktikerin, Dipl. Päd. | Institute for Reflexology & Relaxation

Experiencing and exploring the interplay of body and soul are the motivation and goal of my work.

Schon als Kind war ich sehr bemüht Dinge zu tun, durch die sich andere Menschen gut fühlen. Das ist nach wie vor mein Anliegen geblieben, durfte aber lernen, zuerst den Weg zum eigenen Glück zu gehen, um daraus ein Füllhorn des Teilens, Mitteilens und Gebens wachsen zu lassen. Seit über 30 Jahre widme ich mich der Reflexologie und Entspannung.

My vita

  • 2011: Training in systemic therapy and family constellations with the qualification "Family Coach" (Lier Institute, in Zelg/Switzerland) and recognition by the European Coaching Association
  • 2010 - Training and certification in "Progressive Muscle Relaxation" for adults and children
    Conducting courses in relaxation and stress management as part of the prevention program offered by Techniker Krankenkasse in companies and schools
  • Degree in social pedagogy and trained alternative practitioner with her own practice
  • 1997 - 2000: Chairwoman of RIEN (Reflexology in Europe Network)
  • 1992 - 1997: First Chairwoman of the German Reflexology Association
  • 1992: Co-founder of the German Reflexology Association
  • 1987: Training as a reflexologist at the American Academy of Reflexology in Los Angeles
  • Since 1984: Conducting seminars in the fields of reflexology, emotional release reflexology, nutrition, exercise, relaxation in Germany, Austria and the USA
  • Speaker at international specialist congresses